Physical Geography 102
Fluvial Processes Study Guide

After the "Fluvial Processes I" and "Fluvial Processes II" lectures and readings you should be able to answer and discuss the following questions.

Define erosion.

What is slope erosion and how does it occur?

What is accelerated erosion?

What is the major cause of accelerated erosion?

What are the natural and human processes which lead to accelerated erosion?

Describe gully erosion.

What are the three processes of stream erosion and how does each process operate?

List and describe the three forms of stream load.

What is the relationship between stream load and stream velocity?

Compare and contrast lateral erosion, downcutting erosion and headward erosion.

What is base level?

What are the two types of base level? Describe each.

Describe downcutting stream systems in terms of valley shape, flood plain, erosion, and base level.

Describe lateral erosion stream systems in terms of valley shape, flood plain, erosion, and base level.

What is a rejuvenated stream and how does it form?

Define the following stream morphology features: uplands, stream head, stream bed, stream mouth, waterfalls, cascades, rapids, bars, channel bars, point bars, meander loop, oxbow lake, flood plain, braided stream, meandering stream