Regional Geography 105
Exam III - Study Questions

WARNING - The content of this exam is subject to change prior to the exam date.

PART I - Questions

This exam will contain multiple choice questions and true/false statements. It may also contain one or more of the following items: matching and fill-in-the-blank statements. Material for these questions will come from lecture material, CoursePack reading assignments, web page reading assignments and the homework assignments.

PART II - Essays

One essay topics from the list below will be selected by the instructor and listed on the exam. Students will then write a full essay on this topic. Only the selected essay topic will be accepted for credit.

1. Compare and contrast the usage of the terms "Arab World", "Islamic Realm" and "Middle East". Discuss the validity and fallacy of each of these designations as it applies to the North Africa/Southwest Asia Realm.

2. Describe the major events leading up to the United States' involvemnt in the Iraq War. Include the reasons, as given by the Bush Administration, for this war, as well as a discussion as to why each of these reasons was flawed. What was the real reason for the Iraq War? Why and how is this the real reason? Why was this reason never discussed by the Bush Administration? How and why did the Iraq War end?

3. Briefly describe the purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884-85. Two opposing views on the significance of the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 are presented in the reading materials. What is the significance of the conference according to Wesseling? What is the significance of the conference according to Uzoigwe? How do current and recent events in Africa support the views of Wesseling or Uzoigwe? Give specific examples of these events.

4. Why is it commonly believed that Africa does not have a history of its own? What are some of the events, sites and locations of African history that have been recently discovered and are being discovered today?

5. Define the term demography. Describe and explain the five major methods in which population is studied: Population Distribution, Population Density, Population Growth, Demographic Transitions, and Populaton Pyramids.

PART III - Homework

Homework #3: Be able to give examples for political Boundary Types and Territorial Morphology. Given the appropriate data, be able to determine the Jefferson ratio and how many time larger the largest city is in a country. Using the Jefferson ratio and time larger calculations, be able to determine if the country has a primate city.