Meteorology 106


Climate is the long term average weather for a region.
Typically based on:
Global Climate is the long term average weather for the entire planet.


Temperature is influenced and controlled by which physical factors?


Precipitation is influenced and controlled by which physical factors?

Climate Classification

13 Climate Types based on Temperature and Precipitation
Wladimir Köppen classification developed in 1900

Climate Classification Groups

5 Major Groups

Group A - Humid Tropical Climates
Winterless climates; All months have a mean temperature above 18°C
Air masses:
Weather Influences:

Group B - Dry Climates
Climates where evaporation exceeds precipitation; constant deficiency of water
Air masses:
Weather Influences:

Group C - Humid Mid-Latitude Climates
Mild winters; average temperature of coldest month is below 18°C, but above -3°C.
Air masses:
Weather Influences:

Group D - Humid Mid-Latitude Climates
Severe winters; average temperature of coldest month is below -3°C, and the warmest monthly mean is above 10°C.
Air masses:
Weather Influences:

Group E - Polar Climates
Summerless climates; average temperature of the warmest month is below 10°C.
Air masses:
Weather Influences:

Other Climate Classifications

Thornthwaite Classification - developed in 1931 - 32 climate types: 5 major humidity provinces - rainforest, forest, grassland, steppe, desert
Kendrew Classification - Based on continental geographic regions


Displays average temperature and precipitation for a specific location
Should contain the following information: