Meteorology 106
Wind Study Guide

After the "Wind" lecture and readings you should be able to answer and discuss the following questions.

What is wind?

How does wind differ from updrafts and downdrafts?

How does air move with repsect to pressure?

What is the relationship between wind speed and pressure gradient?

What are the causes of unequal pressure at the Earth's surface? (note: there is more than one cause)

Describe the development of sea breezes during the day in terms of pressure, heating and air movement.

Describe the development of sea breezes at night in terms of pressure, heating and air movement.

How do the development of sea breezes related to the four thermal properties of water vs. land that were discussed earlier?

What are the two measurements that are needed to describe air movement?

Define wind direction.

Define air speed and the various units of measurement that are used.

Name the instruments that are used to measure air speed and wind direction.

What is the Coriolis Effect?

How is apparent motion affected for free moving objects in the Northern Hemisphere?

How is apparent motion affected for free moving objects in the Southern Hemisphere?

How is apparent motion affected for free moving objects at the Equator?

What is a cyclone?

What is an anticylcone?

How does an anticyclone spin in the Southern Hemisphere?

How does a cyclone spin in the Northern Hemisphere?

Describe the air movement in an anticyclone in the Northern Hemisphere.

Describe the air movement in a cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere.

What are geostrophic winds?

At what altitudes do we find geostrpohic winds?

How do geostrpohic winds differ from surface winds in regards to isobars? Why?

Describe the vertical air flow in a surface high pressure center. What does this air do as it moves vertically?

Describe the upper air movement above a surface high pressure center.

Describe the vertical air flow in a surface low pressure center. What does this air do as it moves vertically?

Describe the upper air movement above a surface low pressure center.