
Temperature Conversions

Celcius to Fahrenheit:
     Celcius to Fahrenheit equation

Fahrenheit to Celcius:
     Fahrenheit to Celcius equation

Celcius to Kelvin:
     Celcius to Kelvin equation

Directions for entering values (unless otherwise directed): Enter all temperature values to the nearest tenth of a degree (one decimal place), i.e. 19.4°C, 45.0°F

Fahrenheit to Celcius

Convert the following temperatures in Fahrenheit to Celcius

100°F = °C
212°F = °C
56°F = °C
79°F = °C
12°F = °C
45°F = °C
-201°F = °C
-40°F = °C
10°F = °C
0°F = °C

Celcius to Fahrenheit

Convert the following temperatures in Celcius to Fahrenheit

-10°C = °F
325°C = °F
25°C = °F
40°C = °F
5°C = °F
-18°C = °F
-65°C = °F
32°C = °F
100°C = °F
15°C = °F

Celcius and Fahrenheit to Kelvin

Convert the following temperatures in Celcius and Fahrenheit to Kelvin.
Directions for entering values: Enter all temperature values to the nearest hundredth of a degree (two decimal place), i.e. 45.65°C, 143.15K

10°C = K
25°C = K
250°C = K
-40°C = K
-150°C = K
-18°F = K
0°F = K
32°F = K
50°F = K
90°F = K

Kelvin to Celcius and Fahrenheit

Convert the following temperatures in Kelvin to Celcius or Fahrenheit
Directions for entering values: Enter all temperature values to the nearest hundredth of a degree (two decimal place), i.e. 45.65°C, 143.15K

0 K = °C
100 K = °C
300 K = °C
324 K = °C
250 K = °C
0 K = °F
50 K = °F
450 K = °F
262 K = °F
295 K = °F