Environmental Science 101
Physics Study Guide
After the "Physics" lecture and readings you should be able to answer and discuss the following questions.
What is Physics?
What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?
What is meant by the term force?
How is gravity defined, according to Einstein?
How is gravity defined, according to Newton?
What is stress?
What are the three common forms of stress and how do they behave?
What is stress? and how does it differ from strain?
What is energy?
What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?
What is temperature?
How does heat affect matter on an atomic scale?
What is thermodynamics?
What are the Laws of Thermodynamics?
What is electromagnetism? and why is it important to our everyday lives?
What is the basis of Einstein's theory of special relativity?
What is the most famous equation derived from the postulates of special relativity?