Environmental Science 102
Humidity, Clouds, Fog Study Guide
After the "Humidity, Clouds, Fog" lecture and readings you should be able to answer and discuss the following questions.
What is humidity?
By percent, how much water is there in the atmosphere?
Define relative humidity and write this definition in an equation form.
Which measure of humidity is reported on the weather reports on radio and television?
What are the two means by which relative humidity can be changed?
A low air temperature means that the air has a ________ water holding capacity.
A high air temperature means that the air has a ________ water holding capacity.
If temperature changes will the amount of water in the air necessarily change?
If the amount of water in the air increase or decreases is there a change in temperature?
Define dew point temperature.
Can the air temperature ever be lower than the dew point temperature?
What is the adiabatic process?
What is the numeric value of the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (in Metric units)?
What does this value mean?
What is the Wet Adiabatic Lapse Rate?
Describe the steps that lead to the formation of a cloud.
Why is the Wet Adiabatic Lapse Rate a slower rate than the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate?
What are clouds?
What are the two necessary conditions in order for condensation to occur?
What are the various types of condensation nuclei?
Describe each of the three basic forms of clouds.
What are the four cloud height classifications and at what elevations are they found?
What is fog?
What is the significance of fog forming at ground level?
What are the types of cooling fogs, and how are they formed?
What are the types of evaporation fog, and how are they formed?