Physical Science 101
Temperature Study Guide

After the "Temperature" lecture and readings you should be able to answer and discuss the following questions.

What is temperature?

What are the factors which control atmospheric temperature?

List and explain the variation in exposure time of insolation.

List and explain the variation in angle of insolation.

Why are coastal areas generally cooler than inland areas?

Describe and explain the four thermal properties of land vs. water that account for the land/water temperature variation.

Which areas show less temperature variation on an annual basis, inland or coastal areas?

Which areas show greater temperature variation on a daily basis, inland or coastal areas?

How do ocean currents control air temperature?

What is the relationship between elevation and temperature?

What factors of geographic position control air temperature?

What factors control temperature variations over different surfaces? Explain why these factors control the temperature.

Describe and explain the relationship between daily insolation, net radiation and daily temperature.